A downloadable game for Windows

Chemist: Paranoia is an upcoming story-driven narrative choose-your-own-"adventure" game.

This alpha includes the first 3 days of the game, while the full game will have 30-40 days, and everything is subject to change/improvement.

Set at the start of a supervised release of the chemist after a long, illegitimate, 15 year long sentence, the chemist now must WORK to keep his "freedom", and rapidly adapt to this new world.

At the same time, he must PLOT to kill the gang boss responsible for framing him...


The personal chemistry console is a brand new device allowing individuals to quickly make various chemicals. This is one of your vehicles for interacting with the world. Follow orders exactly as written? Try to destroy a criminal stash by making explosives when not requested to? Or make the dose a little larger for a repeat customer, overdosing the unexpecting victim? The choice is yours, but it always comes with a cost.


The government has high expectations of you, although they don't exactly check everything you make. Mess up too many orders and go into debt, and they'll decide you're more trouble than you're worth. Rack up a kill count too high and accumulate heat? You might just get a SWAT team holding you at gunpoint, you know, just to be sure.


Gangs and maniacs are just as prevalent as ever. Messing with the wrong people or a particularly unhinged lunatic is a sure way to an early grave (or ditch).


But that doesn't mean there isn't room for manipulation. People around are willing to do your dirty work, you just have to push the right buttons, be it money, blackmail, drugs, favors, or whatever else. Just tread carefully, as people aren't keen on getting screwed over.


Accomplish your ultimate goal, kill the gang boss responsible for framing you, and finally earn your freedom for real. Everything else is just collateral. How you go about accomplishing this, is totally up to you.

Alpha Info

This alpha can be played multiple times to make a few different choices, although the effects of certain actions isn't revealed until later in the game, after the alpha had already ended.

Saving is disabled due to the short length of the first 3 days.

Everything is subject to change.

Make sure to report bugs, and tell us your feedback so we can make this game as good as it can be, and stay tuned for future updates to the status of the game.

Playing the tutorial is HIGHLY recommended.


Chemist Paranoia 0.63 alpha.zip 38 MB

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